Konsep Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Kitab Niat Ingsun Ngaji

  • Maksudi Maksudi Institut Agama Islam Darussalam (IAID) Ciamis Jawa Barat


Character is a strong fortress in itself a, therefore, we need to cultivate self shaping the character of the negative things. Characters who awoke expected to encourage every man to do things in accordance with his conscience that leads to goodness sebagaiman material contained in the book of Intent Ingsun Ngaji. This study aims to: (1) identify and analyze the concept of character education in the Book of Intentions Ingsun Ngaji. (2) identify and analyze the character education materials. This research uses descriptive analysis method. Descriptive method of analysis with a qualitative approach is used to get a picture of systematic, factual, and deep understanding of the facts, the properties of the phenomenon being studied. The book that we studied was an ancient book Badawi works Hanafi founder and caretaker of Pondok Pesantren Ihya Ulumaddin Kesugihan Cilacap, Central Java. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: (1) the concept of character education in the Book of Intentions Ingsun Ngaji are as follows: a) religious right, religious man should be in accordance with what Allah has commanded. The true religion is the religion of Islam, a religion that fits with the Qur'anic injunctions of Allah and the Hadith the Messenger of Allah intended in the liver, pronounced with oral and done with the body. b) love for God by continuing to devote themselves and always Oneness of Allah, like believing in the existence of God. The love of God shown by menghambaan himself to Him c) responsibility and self-conscious that the attitudes and behavior of a person to carry out its duties and responsibilities, as he should have done to ourselves, community, environment (natural, social, and cultural), state, and The One Almighty God. d) thank God that is a form of gratitude to God with behaviors that increase the faith and piety for all the pleasure has been given. Thanks to the liver is to straighten goodwill towards everything that is done. Gratitude orally is vowing praise the greatness of God and speak words glorious. Thanks to the limbs is to utilize the favor to be obedient and pious to Allah and seeking refuge from immoral acts. e) Obeying the law, namely: value character that is very important so that people can live on earth of God properly in accordance with regulations made by religion and state. Making individual to obey the rules of Allah and stay away from a ban or deny the law of God. KH. Abdullah Hanafi explained that we should serve God by obeying all the rules that will bring happiness or glory that is life in heaven. On the contrary if we refuse to rule God the Fire will didapat.2) Material character education concepts contained in the Book of Intentions Ingsun Ngaji collected in la ila ha illa Allah sentence contains four educational material scope of the discussion of the character, as a proof of our devotion to God always one, namely: a) ilahiyat, b) nubuwat, c) Ruhiyat, and sam'iyyat.


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How to Cite
MAKSUDI, Maksudi. Konsep Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Kitab Niat Ingsun Ngaji. Online Thesis, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 2, feb. 2017. ISSN 2548-7361. Available at: <https://tesis.riset-iaid.net/index.php/tesis/article/view/29>. Date accessed: 19 apr. 2024.