• Deni Nurisda


The difference between interpreting religion and culture is evident in several regions that still preserve their culture, as happened in the community of Cikancah Village, Bunter Village, Sukadana District, Ciamis Regency, a region, which is a rather geographical area away from the urban Palihara. The existence of a religious understanding that tends to fanatics sometimes makes the difference in views between religion and culture, surely there must be a resignation between to none to create a harmonious society. The attitude of tolerance is something that must be understood even in practice by the community so that there is no split when a group of people who try to banging religion and culture, surely there will be opportunities and challenges that are traversed in realizing the attitude of tolerance in the community who are bermitikultural in religion. The purpose of the researcher is to find out how the multicultural education of Cikancah Village Bunter Village, Sukadana District, Ciamis Regency, the religious tradition of the community in Cikancah Village, Bunter Village, Sukadana District, Ciamis Regency, and the opportunities for the development of multicultural education in the religious tradition of the community in the village of Cikancah Village Bunter Village, Sukadana The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive analysis, because researchers want to describe or describe facts or circumstances or symptoms that appear by studying documents, resource interviews, and documentation of the Cikancah village community. The results of this study are the development of multicultural education Kampung Cikancah Bunter Village, Sukadana District, Ciamis Regency, which is done with several stages, namely the stage of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluation. With this step, it is expected that the development of multicultural education can run well because building multicultural education basically is to reorganize the diversity that has been attached to every citizen of culture, race, language, flow (religion) that lives in the community. The religious tradition of the community in Cikancah Village, Bunter Village, Sukadana District, Ciamis Regency is the existence of a society that conducts the worship tradition held when the children will be circumcised. This trigger shaped shaped like a celebration or wedding party where the bride is a child who wants to be circumcised. Opportunities for the development of multicultural education in the religious tradition in the community of Cikancah Village, Bunter Village, Sukadana District, Ciamis Regency, is a community acceptance of people who provide an understanding of a very good quality, so that the hope of achieving multicultural education goals is successful and filtering new culture, cultural filtering intends that The new culture that enters should not conflict with what has existed so that it does not move into a mixture that is just a mixture so that the loss of the origin of the origin and the challenge is the limited human resource that is able to provide an understanding of the tolerance in the form of the importance of respecting fellow humans even though they are in different circumstances and the Humanism Treating humans according to their dignity and dignity even though it is often influenced by emotions so that it can make the absurdness of the request. The other challenge is with the difference in Cikancah Village in the form of a tradition that is still carried out by some people and some of the other people do not do it, it can be the beginning of the incidence of misunderstandings who then claim to meet the most ending conflict that can break down unity , this is commonplace like it can be exemplified in a large second in Indonesia through Sara's issue (tribe, religion, race, between groups).


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