Manajemen Pembelajaran PAI di Sekolah Berbasis ISO (Penelitian di SMK Negeri 1 Padaherang)

  • Astri Andriyani Institut Agama Islam Darussalam (IAID) Ciamis Jawa Barat


Learning PAI is a learning that is conducted with the aim of providing an understanding of religion in school. PAI has an important role for students including from affective aspects, students are taught material PAI is expected for students to have good morals according to the demands of Islam. So PAI learning management included in schools that have a standard base of ISO 9001: 2008, became the object of significant study. This study aims to: (1) to find out the learning planning of Islamic Religious Education in School Based on ISO (SMKN 1) Padaherang, (2) for the implementation of Islamic Education Learning Management in School Based on ISO (SMKN 1) Padaherang, (3) to know the evaluation of learning Islamic Religion Education in ISO-Based School (SMKN 1) Padaherang.

This research uses qualitative approach and descriptive method with case study emphasis.  Sources of data that also became the object of this study include (1) informants, (2) events, and (3) manuscripts, documents or archives. The data were collected by interview, observation, and document analysis.

The results of this study are summarized as follows: (1) The purpose of PAI learning management in SMK Negeri 1 Padaherang is to organize and manata well. Includes the formulation of what will be taught to students, how to teach it. Learning planning has an important role for PAI teachers as a control in order to improve the way of teaching in the implementation of learning goes well, PAI teachers compose learning tool planning components, among others: a). Develop an annual program; b). Prepare a semester program; c) Prepare the syllabus; and D). Prepare RPP. (2) Based on the data obtained, all PAI teachers in the school already have knowledge and skills in management aspect so that they can cooperate among PAI teachers who teach in managing the preparation of learning. (3) the implementation of learning PAI in SMKN 1 Padaherang, the whole is the same as other schools. In this school using the moving class system. The steps of PAI teachers in the implementation of learning PAI, namely: a). Understand the curriculum; b). Create a PAI learning administration program; c). The process of achieving competence. (4) Evaluation of PAI learning in SMKN 1 Padaherang done in learning including cognitive, affective and psychomotoric, because in core competency there are spiritual aspect, social aspect, knowledge aspect and skill aspect. (4) Support of SMM ISO 9001:

2008 in PAI learning management, that is helping especially PAI teacher in committing its duty, in preparing of learning preparation as a whole must be properly prepared by him, possibly if from the good administration, then the implementation will not be far both of what is expected.

How to Cite
ANDRIYANI, Astri. Manajemen Pembelajaran PAI di Sekolah Berbasis ISO (Penelitian di SMK Negeri 1 Padaherang). Online Thesis, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 2, jan. 2018. ISSN 2548-7361. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 01 may 2024.